International Date Line

International Date Line

If you read that correctly you may wonder what on earth is happening.  The answer is the International Date Line.  We have had to reset our calendars to yesterday, although the cabin clock does not show the date, although we did not physically cross the line until this afternoon it is easier to consider it an overnight change like the hours.  So we have moved from 11 hours ahead of London to being 11 hours behind.  Yes it is very confusing, it is still Friday!

We awake to find it is 09:30 according to our adjusted watches and resetting my phone is the first job.

Film of the day in the theatre is unsurprisingly “Groundhog Day” but we will not be going to see it.  There are competitions this morning and we participate in a couple of them and win some tickets but they do not turn into prizes.

We are having a long run of sea days because the original itinerary included one port in Eastern Russia but the outbreak of the war with Ukraine led to one of the many rejigs of this particular holiday.  There were a number of others – the sailing date was changed, various ports changed and one day was removed completely.  It is something like the original cruise – but not quite!  Post covid a lot of re-jigging was needed and the ship is going to undergo some work in Vancouver as there are a number of engineers aboard.

We know the ship needs attention as the saga of the cabin infrastructure continues.  I had hopes that I could connect to the suite television from my phone to play some of the soaps (to fill in the sea days) once they download.  The data source for the phone is an internal network but there is no obvious link between the public wifi and the television network but my investigations dislodge the network cable which, like the door to the balcony, is secured using duct tape.

Additionally the toilet was unable to cope with our prodigious output and becomes blocked, so our afternoon sleep is disrupted by a veritable phalanx of various engineers to address the problems.  The most effective engineer is the plumbing type person who waggles something externally, enters, flushes and assures us the blockage has been resolved.